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quarantine poem 1 - rosemary k

Updated: Apr 4, 2020

Hear ye, hear ye!

Those of you who are depressed, don’t be blue, for you’ve been blessed!

Listen to this here decree, from our Great King, (long live he):

As the king of this great nation, I’m fraught with irate frustration.

Everybody’s been so dour, sourer with ev’ry hour.

So, I say this unto thee:

No more sadness! No more sorrow! Happiness and harmony!

Only gladness on the morrow.

Miles of smiles, up and down.

File away your futile frown, for on this day I do declare:

Pain is passé, dispose despair!

All must show proclivity for fervent positivity.

And if anyone complains — whiners, assh’les, and curmudgeons —

Will spend life locked up in chains, deep within my castle’s dungeons.

Debbie-downers will be bludgeoned.

Lo! The law is optimism.

Only bring cheer, here on out.

So, my sovereign catechism:

Everything is fine, no doubt!


This poem was written and submitted by rosemary k.

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